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Balmoral Pharmacy

I'm A Surgeon ― Shiny Skin On Your Lower Legs Can Reveal Heart Health Issues
Music fans may have wondered just how their favourite singers get their legs so, so shiny on stage But if your legs look lacquered...

Why is sitting for too long bad for your health? What new research says about an increased risk of heart failure.
From 9 to5 workdays spent in front of the computer to binging on a new TV series, most of us spend a lot of time sitting, often in a...

How new fathers can look after their mental health
Welcoming a new baby to the family is a joyous occasion and one that is often focused around mother and child; mum needs time and...

11 sauna benefits for your mood, skin and heart health
If you're ready to relax and unwind, a trip to the sauna can do the trick. There are many ways to enjoy sauna benefits these days—from a...

Millions to be handed health-monitoring smartwatches by NHS
Smartwatches and wearable tech will be handed to millions of people under a 10-year plan to save the NHS . Devices to track blood...

82% of People Found That Dog Walks Benefitted Their Mental Health, Says New Study
Braving the wind and rain to take the dog for a walk might not seem appealing, but we know it benefits not only our pets but also our ...

Five ways SAD can affect physical health, from headaches to erectile dysfunction
It’s been nearly two weeks since the autumn equinox, which means the nights are now officially longer than daylight hours. While some...

Heart Disease Symptoms In Women Can Be Different – Here’s What To Look For
According to the NHS , heart and circulatory disease (CVD) is responsible for one in four premature deaths in the UK. Meanwhile, the...

Study finds link between light pollution and an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease
Excessive exposure to light pollution at night could increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, says US researchers. Alzheimer’s disease...

Those Struggling With Fertility Can Now Access This Mental Health Support
According to the NHS , around one in seven couples will have trouble conceiving. While this means that it’s not uncommon, it also means...
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