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Britain consume more fizzy than most of Europe, but here's the best way to cut down
The UK has one of the highest consumption rates of fizzy drinks in Europe, according to new data. The average Brit drinks the equivalent...

Kellogg's loses court case over sugary cereal supermarket offers
Kellogg's will not be allowed to promote sugary cereals in supermarket special offers, a court has ruled. In-store promotions on food and...

Children 'exceed recommended sugar limit by age 10'
Children in the UK exceed the maximum recommended sugar intake for an 18-year-old by the time they are 10, according to experts. This is...

Yoghurts (even organic ones) 'full of sugar'
Many yoghurts are full of sugar and the public should not be lulled into thinking they are eating healthy products, researchers say. The...

'Ban cartoon characters' on unhealthy food, MPs say
Cartoon or fictional characters, like Tony the Tiger and the Milky Bar Kid, should no longer be used to promote unhealthy food, a group...

Kit Kat sugar content to be cut by 10%, says Nestle
Chocolate bars including famous brands such as Kit Kat, Yorkie and Aero will contain 10% less sugar by next year, manufacturer Nestle has...

'Shocking' sugar levels in High Street hot drinks, warns charity
There are "shocking" amounts of sugar in some hot drinks sold in High Street cafes, a campaign group has warned. Action on Sugar analysed...

Tax on sugary drinks backed by MPs
A tax on sugary drinks should be introduced as part of a "bold and urgent" set of measures to tackle child obesity in England, MPs say....
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