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Cottingley Pharmacy

England to consider optout organ donation
A consultation on introducing an optout system for organ donation is to be held in England, ministers say. Currently anyone who wants to...

Carrying the shopping can improve strength in over-65s, say experts
Carrying the shopping, gardening, or vacuuming, can help older people to lead healthier lives for longer, according to leading...

Quit smoking campaign Stoptober backs e-cigs for first time
The annual Stoptober campaign in England is embracing e-cigarettes for the first time - in a sign vaping is being seen as the key to...

NHS told to brace itself for bad flu season
Flu could put much more pressure than usual on GPs and hospitals this winter, health bosses are predicting. It follows the worst outbreak...

Public ‘tricked’ into buying unhealthy food
The UK's obesity crisis is being fuelled by businesses pushing unhealthy food and larger portions on shoppers, according to health...

NHS launches £100m drive to recruit foreign GPs
The NHS in England is to pay recruitment agencies £100m as part of a huge international drive to boost the number of GPs. Contracts have...

One in three 'sick notes' for mental health, says NHS
Nearly a third of fit notes issued by GPs are for psychiatric problems, says an NHS report. This makes them the most common reason for...

Lithium in tap water may cut dementia
People with higher levels of lithium in their drinking water appear to have a lower risk of developing dementia, say researchers in...

Johnson & Johnson faces $417m payout in latest talc case
Johnson & Johnson has been ordered to pay $417m (£323.4m) to a woman who says she developed ovarian cancer after using products such as...

Japanese fungus spreading in UK hospitals
More than 200 patients in England have been infected or contaminated with a drug-resistant fungus first found in Japan, health officials...
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