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Superintendent Pharmacist: Mr Jasdeep Riaar
Yew Tree Pharmacy

5 easy diet changes that can improve your mental health
The food we eat is essential to every aspect of our wellbeing – both physical and mental health. In fact, studies have found that people...

The surprising links between what you eat and how well you sleep
Not getting enough sleep can lead to a vicious circle of over-eating and further sleep deprivation, but it may be possible to create a...

The NHS' 12-week weight loss plan explained
If you're looking for help with developing some healthier eating and physical activity habits, in a way that's tailored to you, the NHS...

Mediterranean diet 'may help prevent depression'
Eating a Mediterranean diet may help prevent depression, research suggests. But an expert in metabolic medicine says more rigorous,...

How can you get enough iron from your diet?
Do you often feel tired, short of breath or can you feel you heart beating away inside your chest? Have your friends commented that you...

Families 'can't afford to follow healthy diet guidance'
Up to 3.7 million UK children live in homes struggling to afford enough meat, fruit and vegetables to meet healthy eating advice,...
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