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Superintendent Pharmacist: Mr Jasdeep Riaar
Yew Tree Pharmacy

Second Brit dies after 'Brazilian butt lift' surgery
Getty Images A second British woman has died from "Brazilian butt lift" surgery, the BBC has learned, as fresh warnings come over the...

Cannabis 'more harmful than alcohol' for teen brains
Teenagers using cannabis are causing long-lasting damage to their developing brains, a Canadian study suggests. It found the impact on...

Digital pregnancy tests recalled over inaccurate results
Women are being advised to check their pregnancy tests after some Clear & Simple devices gave inaccurate positive results. Manufacturer...

Mediterranean diet 'may help prevent depression'
Eating a Mediterranean diet may help prevent depression, research suggests. But an expert in metabolic medicine says more rigorous,...

Ambulances not an A&E taxi service, NHS warned
An ageing fleet, high sickness rates and slow uptake of technology hampers the ability of the NHS to answer 999 calls quickly, a review...

Yoghurts (even organic ones) 'full of sugar'
Many yoghurts are full of sugar and the public should not be lulled into thinking they are eating healthy products, researchers say. The...

Targeted treatment for melanoma to be free on NHS
Hundreds of patients with a type of aggressive skin cancer will be offered a targeted therapy on the NHS in England and Wales, which...

How can you get enough iron from your diet?
Do you often feel tired, short of breath or can you feel you heart beating away inside your chest? Have your friends commented that you...

Lack of exercise puts one in four people at risk, WHO says
Very little progress has been made in reducing levels of inactivity worldwide, experts have warned. A WHO report estimates that more than...

Families 'can't afford to follow healthy diet guidance'
Up to 3.7 million UK children live in homes struggling to afford enough meat, fruit and vegetables to meet healthy eating advice,...
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