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Flu and Covid could make this a hard winter for UK
The UK must prepare for a big, early wave of flu, experts warn, based on what Australia has just experienced during its winter. Many...

Squeezing spots and being naked at home: Brits' top winter pick-me-ups revealed
It seems Brits are appreciative of the little things in life, revealing their top pick-me-ups to get them through the winter months....

How to ward off dandruff as winter takes its toll on your scalp
The cold winter months can wreak havoc with on skin, with the scalp being no exception. As the pandemic continues to unfold, officials in...

Winter skin still an issue during lockdown – how to keep it supple as we huddle indoors
As the pandemic continues to unfold, officials in England have reintroduced a nationwide lockdown until at least 2 December. With tight...

Coronavirus in winter: 'This time of year is harder than lockdown'
Full lockdown is over - but so is summer. As the days get shorter, darker and the temperature drops below acceptable BBQ conditions,...
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