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4 Benefits of Eating Kiwi

Medically reviewed by Aviv Joshua, MS

Kiwifruit (sometimes called kiwi) is a high-fibre fruit with green flesh and fuzzy brown skin. Though most people scoop out the flesh, you can also eat kiwi skin.

More than 90% of kiwifruit is grown in New Zealand. In the United States, kiwifruit is primarily grown in California. It is one of the healthier fruits, mainly due to its high fibre content, which is good for constipation and slow bowels. It is also high in vitamin C, making it an excellent choice for your immune system.

This article discusses the benefits of eating kiwi, its sugar content, and who should avoid eating it and compares fresh versus juiced kiwifruit.


Kiwifruit Taste

Kiwis are sweet and tangy with a slightly gritty texture. You can bite into the whole thing, like an apple, slice it, or scoop out the flesh. Though the skin is edible and packed with nutrients, some people prefer to remove the fuzzy skin. Kiwi can be juiced or added to smoothies or frozen yogurt.


Fibre-Dense Kiwifruit: 4 Benefits of Daily Servings

Eating kiwi offers many benefits, especially when it comes to fibre. Kiwi is also loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making it a great daily addition to your diet.


Kiwifruit Nutrition Facts

One kiwi contains the following:

  • Calories: 42

  • Protein: 1 gram (g)

  • Carbohydrates: 10 g

  • Sugar: 6 g

  • Fibre: 2.07 g

  • Calcium: 24 milligrams (mg)

  • Magnesium: 12 mg

  • Phosphorus: 24 mg

  • Potassium: 215 mg

  • Vitamin C: 64 mg


Digestive Health

Research has found that kiwi can help with the following digestive issues:

  • Improved constipation

  • Improved abdominal discomfort and pain

  • Improved indigestion

  • Alleviated reflux

Two small kiwis contain twice the fibre of an orange. Eat the skin, and you get an even bigger fibre boost, which is good for gut health. Soluble fibre creates a gel-like substance and works to slow digestion. Insoluble fibre, on the other hand, remains whole as it passes through your digestive system, giving your stool bulk and keeping you regular.


Heart Health

The phytochemicals (offer protection from pathogens) and antioxidants (protect the body from free radicals) in kiwifruit protect the heart. In one meta-analysis, researchers found that consuming kiwifruit increased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (aka the "good" cholesterol) but did not reduce total cholesterol.

It was also found that kiwi consumption reduced triglycerides (fats found in blood). These studies had participants eat multiple kiwis daily for one to two months.


Immune System

Kiwis' high vitamin C content makes them an excellent immune system booster. A study found that eating two small kiwis daily could replace the need for vitamin C supplements in some people.

Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant well known for supporting the immune system. It creates a barrier against pathogens and protects against environmental oxidative stress. It also increases your number of B- and T-cells.


Eye Health

You can thank the high amount of lutein (a carotenoid that is good for eye health) in kiwis for its benefits for the eyes. Researchers found lutein may improve or prevent macular disease, an age-related condition that causes blindness and impairs vision.

The vitamin C in kiwis may also play a role in eye health. A meta-analysis found that higher vitamin C intake was associated with a reduced risk of developing cataracts.


Diabetes and Kiwifruit: High in Sugar?

Like all fruit, kiwi contains natural sugar. However, this doesn't make it an off-limits food for people with diabetes. Kiwifruit has a low glycaemic impact, which is less likely to cause blood sugar spikes. Researchers say this makes kiwis a good choice for those with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.


Should Anyone Not Eat Kiwifruit?

For most people, eating kiwifruit daily is safe. However, some people should avoid them.

If you have a kiwi allergy, you should avoid eating kiwifruit. Researchers found 13 different allergens in green kiwifruit. Symptoms are like any other food allergy symptom and can lead to severe reactions.

Similarly, kiwifruit can trigger an allergic reaction in some people with pollen allergies. This is known as oral allergy syndrome, and it occurs because the proteins in some fruits and vegetables are similar to those in pollen. Symptoms usually appear immediately after eating the food, including itchiness or swelling of the mouth, face, lip, tongue, and throat.

You may want to avoid eating kiwi if you have kidney stones or a history of them. Eating foods high in oxalates (as kiwis are) is a risk factor for calcium oxalate stone formation.


Fresh vs. Juiced Kiwifruit

Juiced kiwi is an excellent way to incorporate kiwi into your diet. In one study that compared the bioavailability of fresh, raw kiwi juice to pasteurized (heated to kill pathogens) kiwi juice, researchers found that fresh juice had high contents of total phenols, flavonoids, dietary fiber, and ascorbic acid. Pasteurized juice had reduced total phenols and flavonoids.

You can make kiwi juice in a blender or a juicer by following these steps:

  • Add the flesh of fresh, ripe kiwi to your blender.

  • Add a sweetener (optional), like maple syrup or honey.

  • Add some optional ingredients, like water, greens, other fruits, or herbs.

  • Blend until it's liquid.



Kiwifruit is an excellent source of dietary fiber and vitamin C. This makes it great for digestive, heart, eye, and immune system health. Most people can easily consume kiwi daily, but people with kiwi allergies, pollen allergies, and kidney stones should avoid them. Kiwi is a versatile fruit that can be enjoyed on its own, juiced, in smoothies, or as a topping on yogurt and parfaits.


Source: Kathi Valeii, Yahoo News UK


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