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Ingrave Pharmacy

Superintendent Pharmacist: Mr Christopher Okworu

Why antibiotics are precious
You need only go back 70 years to a time when a scratch and a common infection could prove deadly. Routine surgery and childbirth could...

Pregnancy iodine pills 'good for babies and economy
Recommending iodine supplements to all pregnant women could save the NHS money, say researchers. A study in The Lancet concluded that if...

First 3D-printed pill approved by US authorities
In a world first, the US Food and Drug Administration has given the go-ahead for a 3D-printed pill to be produced. The FDA has previously...

More pupils try 'vaping' than smoking
More pupils in England aged between 11 and 15 have tried electronic cigarettes than have tried smoking, according to official figures....

New Cancer Diagnosis Target is to be within four weeks
NHS patients in England should get results for cancer tests within four weeks of being referred by a GP by 2020 under new plans to...
Doctors Call for a 20% tax on sugary drinks
The British Medical Association (BMA) has called for a 20% tax on sugary drinks to combat obesity. It says a third of the UK population...

The best prescription is nature itself
"Here's your prescription, walk in the forest five times a week for an hour." According to experts, it is not inconceivable that doctors...

Drivers with early dementia are a 'risk to the public'
Derbyshire GP Dr Peter Holden will call for a review of the issue at the British Medical Association's annual conference on Tuesday. He...
A 3D printer is to be used in ground-breaking surgery on a two-year-old girl
Tessa Evans was born with an extremely rare medical condition that means she has no nose or sense of smell. The surgery will involve a...
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