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Signs and symptoms of iron deficiency anaemia
Looking tired, pale and generally feeling quite exhausted? If this is your default setting right now and you're not quite sure why, it's...

NHS to use test that prevents babies going deaf
A rapid test that can help preserve the hearing of newborn babies is set to be used by NHS hospitals. For some babies, commonly used...

New blood test could predict Alzheimer’s 3.5 years before disease
London scientists have developed a blood test that could be used to predict the risk of Alzheimer’s disease up to three and a half years...

Scientists suggest eating oily fish linked to lower risk of kidney disease
Eating at least two portions of oily fish such as mackerel, sardines or herrings a week is linked to a lower risk of chronic kidney...

How to start working out: A beginner's guide to getting fit for the first time
If you haven't included exercise in your lifestyle before (or have just had a really long break from it), a fresh new year is a great...

Strep A: Pharmacies can now give alternative antibiotics
Pharmacists will now be able to give alternative forms of penicillin directly to patients to help treat strep A infections, amid...

Erectile dysfunction: It's high time we talked about it
It may be the subject of many a cruel joke, but erectile dysfunction is no laughing matter for those men experiencing it. One in five men...

7 Strep A signs and symptoms every parent should watch out for
Parents are being asked to be on the lookout for signs of strep A infection after reports a ninth child has died from the bacterial...

Type 1 diabetes trial to identify at-risk children
Researchers are recruiting 20,000 children for a trial to try to identify those at high risk of developing type 1 diabetes. If left...

Lab-grown blood given to people in world-first clinical trial
Blood that has been grown in a laboratory has been put into people in a world-first clinical trial, UK researchers say. Tiny amounts -...
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