Veteran's Aid
40 Buckingham Palace Road London SW1W 0RE
020 7828 2468
Vale House Stabiliasation Services
43 Cowbridge Port Vale Hertford SG14 1PN
01992 553173
Value Stairilfts
Kempton House Kempton Way Dysart Road Grantham NG31 7LE
0800 587 0759
Values Into Action
Oxford House Derbyshire Street London E2 6HG
020 7729 5436
UK Vasa Praevia Awareness Website
Vascular Birthmarks Foundation
Vasculitis Support Group West Midlands
15 Chepstow Grove Birmingham B45 8EG
0121 243 5621
VBAC Information and Support
50 Whiteways North Bersted Bognor Regis West Sussex PO22 9AS
01243 868440
Voice Care Network UK
25 The Square Kenilworth Warwickshire CV8 1EF
01926 864000
Verity - Sharing the Truth About PCOS
New Bond House 124 New Bond Street London W1S 1DX
Victim Support England and Wales
Hallam House 56-60 Hallam Street London WIW 6JL
0845 30 30 900
Violence is Preventable
1 Victoria Road Dundee DD1 1EL
01382 206222
Vision Aid
106 Junction Road Deane Bolton BL3 4NE
01204 64265
Reservations Office Shap Road Industrial Estate Shap Road Kendal Cumbria LA9 6NZ
0845 345 1970
Vitiligo Society
125 Kennington Road London SE11 6SF
0800 018 2631
First Floor 54 Commercial Street London E1 6LT
020 7375 1043
320 City Road London EC1V 2NZ
0808 800 5792
Voluntary Transcribers' Group
8 Segbourne Road Rubery Birmingham West Midlands
0121 453 4268
Vulval Pain Society
PO Box 7804 Nottingham NG3 5ZQ